Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

I know, I know, I've been remiss in posting about anything, even Max's photo blog is so behind. However, now finals are over, and I have some time to catch up in all the many things I have been neglecting in my life (cleaning, of course, being at the very end of that list).

Max has been "speaking" a lot more lately. By speaking, I mean repetitive consonants and nothing with meaning, just baby babbles. Oh what fun, though, to hear my little guy chatter away! He's been doing "mamama" or "maaaaam" for awhile now, especially when mad, but he doesn't actually mean mama. He'll happily go to anyone who will pick him up. About 3 days ago he woke up saying "vavava" and "fla fla fla." Since then, he has a nice repetition of consonant sounds that he likes to repeat and mix and match.

This morning, I think he assigned meaning for the first time, or maybe not. He was sitting in the kitchen while I made breakfast, and I was talking to him about what I was doing and what we had going on today. He looks up at me, smiles, and goes "blah, blah, blah." Then he stuck his tongue out and blew raspberries. Oh I cannot wait until this boy is a teenager!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More From Penelope

Yesterday, in the car, I was telling Penelope's older sister, Annabella, what a great babysitter she is to Max. Max just loves her and laughs and laughs at her. Penelope was sad that Annabella got a compliment instead of her. She said, very sad:

"I never get to babysit Max because I always have to go upstairs and tidy up my room." :-(

Today, we walked to the park. I had to ask her a few times to slow down and not run across the road. She responded:

"But Miss Amy, I always have my Listening Ears on. Except for when I forget. Which are usually the days that I put my Sassy Pants on."

I love the toddler/preschool age!

Friday, March 4, 2011

That Mom

Yesterday was a long day, and Max was such a trooper! After I picked him up from Susanna's, I had to stop at the store to get milk and a few other quick things. And for the first time really since Max was born, I was that mom.

We got to the store, and there was a cart in the spot right next to mine. I figured Max could sit in the cart, and the trip would be much faster than if I put him in the Ergo. He screamed. He refused. Of course, by the time I admitted defeat, we were already in the store with some things in the cart. I left the cart, grabbed Max, and ran out to the car to grab the Ergo. He was less angry, but still pretty fussy. I tried to be as quick as possible, but a fussy baby on my chest was slowing me down big time. And so...I went to the baby food isle, grabbed a box of teething biscuits, opened it, and gave one to Max. Yes, I bribed the baby with a cookie. Already. Ah well, it worked! And we got everything we needed and got out of there :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Workouts and a New-Old Goal

I want to start running again! I started up again in the fall, after Max was born, but I've been lax all winter. I love winter running, but it's been too cold to take Max out in the stroller. Yesterday, though, I was looking for my yoga mat in the basement, and I had to move Max's stroller to get to it. I got to thinking: Max is getting older and bigger and loves being outside, even in the cold; the weather is slowly starting to get a little warmer; both Max and I could really use the fresh air; and I just really miss running! Now that Leah is back, I might even have a running buddy :) And the Detroit Marathon is in October. I figure that's a great goal to work towards. Knowing myself, I'll get up to 10 miles and call it good, but I would really, really like to do this. I'm just hoping I have the motivation this time!

Even if I don't accomplish the marathon, I'm just happy to be getting more active again. I'm really enjoying Mommy and Me yoga on Saturday mornings with Max, and I'm excited to take a class on my own this week. I never expected to love yoga, but it's really refreshing and a great workout!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


My very good friend and I are trading childcare this semester. I'm so wonderfully blessed that she is willing and able to watch Max for me while I am in class. I trust her so much, more than myself sometimes, and Max just adores her and her children. This morning, I had her two youngest and Max, and we went to the zoo. It was abnormally warm, and we were all excited to be outside. Her 3 year old, though, had some amazing lines that I just had to share.

First, we were working on spelling her brother's name.
Me: A-T-T
Penelope: A-T-T
Me: I-C-U-S
Penelope: I-C-U-S
Me: Okay, all together. A-T-T-I-C-U-S
Penelope: A-T-T-T-R-2-S!!!

Then, as we were leaving the zoo, I was peeling a clementine for her and her brother. I was tossing the peel on the ground, and Penelope told me not too.
Me: It's okay Penelope, a duck will eat it.
Penelope: What's a duckel?

On the drive, we were talking about colors she liked. 
Me: Do you like puce?
Penelope: What is puce?
Me: It's purplish-brown. What about magenta?
Penelope: Magenta!? These are some interesting colors you're talking about.

After we got home, she and her brother were cleaning windows for their mom. Her brother was spraying too much of the cleaner (water and vinegar), and it was making her mad. From the other room where my friend and I were talking we heard:
ATTICUS! You're driving me INSANE!!

All in all, it was a wonderful day, and a reminder of how blessed I am to know my friend and her wonderful family!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Croup and Crafting

Poor Max has croup. He has a nasty cough and rattly breathing. Otherwise, he's still his happy little self, which is great! His cough really got bad on Friday night, so I had to take him to urgent care on Saturday. We tried a new urgent care specifically for kids, Kids First Immediate Care . I'm so glad we went there instead of just running to the urgent care I've used in the past. They doctor and nurses were fantastic! They were so patient and sweet and gentle with Max. Plus, the doctor knew Max's pediatrician, which was nice.

Now, he is on an inhaler, poor boy, though it doesn't really bother him. It has a little ducky mouth piece, and it looks silly. Max just likes to chew on it. We're also waiting to hear back on the test results to see what virus is causing the cough, but the doctor didn't think it was anything serious. Thank heavens!

On another note, I have a new craft project I want to start. I say that as though I often have craft projects--I don't. It's very rare. However, I've been coveting a nice set of wool dryer balls for a long time now. My laundry is always super static-y. It's gotten to a point where Max's blankets shock me every time I pick them up. I looked on Etsy and found some nice ones, but I'm really trying to save money. I just can't rationalize spending $20 on 4 of them, especially when I will need 8-12. That would be $60!! I looked up how to make them, and they look really, really easy. I think I even have some good wool yarn somewhere. Otherwise, I'm going to price it at the yarn shop, but I can't imagine it will be more expensive than buying them. So next weekend...I start wrapping yarn balls, haha. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finally, Max's Birth Story

As momnesia begins to set in, and I begin to forget about both the pain of labor and the amazing, wonderful journey that brought Max to me, I should probably finally write out my birth story.

Baby Max (at that point baby no name) was due on September 14, 2010. That Tuesday came and went and still no labor. I had said through the entire pregnancy that he would be 2 weeks late and that I would be fine with it. Ha. By two weeks before he was due, I was doing anything I could to get him out. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday, and Thursday night I got eggplant parmesean from Olive Garden, just in case. 

I went to my appointment on Friday and they did an ultrasound and a non-stress test. They said that baby looked great, but that my placenta was stage 3 and that baby was big (estimated to be close to 10 pounds). I knew that the estimate could be up to a pound off, but event then, he would be an almost 9 pound boy. My midwife, whom I trusted completely, said she would like me to go to the hospital at 6pm for a 7 pm induction. I cried as I left the office, called my friends Susanna and Becky, who both wanted to be there for the labor, my mom, and some friends on my way home. Once home, my midwife called me to check and make sure I was doing okay. We talked about it, and while I really wanted to go into labor on my own, I wanted baby to be okay. I was growing more comfortable with the induction. She expected it to take awhile. She would insert a prostaglandin suppository when I arrived, then after 12 hours insert another. I packed some extra books, crossword puzzles, and some dvds to entertain myself while I waited for the induction to kick in. My friend Leah came over, and we watched some friends and baked cookies for the nurses. At 5:30 pm, my mom came to pick me up and take me to the hospital. We arrived a little after 6 pm (late, of course!), and Susanna was there waiting. I still feel so lucky and blessed to have had her at my birth 

I got checked in, and the nurse hooked up an IV port, but didn't hook me to an IV. I had the most wonderful nurses the entire time I was in the hospital  . The night nurse, Stephanie, allowed me to stay in my own clothes, and I am so thankful for that. The prostaglandin was inserted, and instead of the expected 12 hour wait, I was having regular contractions within 10 minutes. They were regular and about 4-5 minutes apart and 1 minute long, but not strong, although I did not realize that at time. At 8 pm or so, after putting her kids to bed, Becky arrived. Leah and Andrea also came in to visit me. Kelli wanted to so badly, but already had a huge weekend of wedding planning organized up in Traverse City. I did a crossword puzzle to take my mind off things, and Andrea french braided my hair for me. I was also texting with Trish, Anna, and my friend Jenn who was at work. At some point, I laid down to try to get some rest. Around 1 or 2 am, things started to get harder. The nurse checked me, and I was dilated to a 2. I sat on the birthing ball, laying my upper body on the bed quite a bit. Susanna and Becky took turns rubbing my back for me, and it helps immensely. My mom was thankfully able to get some rest, which would be wonderful after Max arrived, as she would be awake enough to hold him and be with him while I rested. 

Jenn came after work and took her turn rubbing my back, and was another amazing cheerleader throughout my labor. She and Susanna were so wonderful about reminding me what kind of labor I wanted and why. I was in hard labor and spent time in the bath, the shower, and on the birthing ball. I also walked to halls repeatedly. At some point in the morning, probably around shift change for the nurses, I was checked again and was only at a 5. I was disheartened, but had no choice. I had to keep going. My new nurse was Kristen, and she was AMAZING! I really don't think I would have been able to have my natural birth without her. As my labor progressed, she realized that I wasn't dilating, and Max wasn't moving down. She figured out that he was posterior, and we did a ton of different positions trying to flip him. I walked and squatted during contractions, I sat indian style against the door. I tried laboring in the tub again, but it was too uncomfortable. She kept trying to get me on all fours to flip Max, but it was so painful I just cried. Finally, she tried something called a trafalger roll. She took a water bottle, rolled it in a blanket, put it under my pelvis, and she and Susanna pulled it very hard back and forth under me. The baby flipped!! It also got him to drop. Soon after, I was at an 8. I walked the halls more trying to hurry along the last 2 centimeters. After about 2 hours, I was ready to push. Everyone told me that pushing would feel like a relief, but honestly, it never did. For me, it felt even worse. By the time my midwife arrived, I was sobbing and begging for medicine, for a c-section, and eventually I just wanted to go home. I was convinced that baby was stuck and not coming out. I pushed for awhile standing, and squatting on the bed, but the most comfortable position was actually reclining slightly, sitting on the bed. I did eventually get an IV of fluid to help rehydrate me. After 19 hours, lots of throwing up, and little to eat or drink, I was exhausted and dehydrated. 

I pushed for over an hour an a half. Finally, the midwife had me feel the baby's head as he was crowning. I don't remember this, but I was later told that after feeling it I said "Eww!". After three contractions and the worst burning sensation of my life, Max was born into the world at 2:56 pm on Saturday, September 18, 2010. Even though he had flipped during labor, at some point, he had flipped back. He was born posterior; face up, with a hand by his face, waving at the world  Immediately after he was born, my midwife slid him up on my chest. I have never felt anything more warm, cuddly, and amazing! When he was born, I was surrounded by some of the most important women in my life. My mom, my brother's fiance, my friend's Leah and Jenn, and Becky and Susanna. Having all those women around me gave me so much strength. While I was worried I might not want that many people there, I'm so happy they were all there. It was amazing! My mom came up to see Max and asked me what I thought of him. I said, "I think I love him!"  And I did! He is still the most incredible little man ever. He was 8 lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long. He was a little jaundiced, but it cleared up quickly and we went home on Monday. 

My life has changed so much since Max has arrived, but in so many amazing ways! I wouldn't change it for anything.